What is a partial denture?

If you are missing multiple teeth but some natural teeth still remain, our dentists at Whitesboro Dental may recommend a partial denture. Partial dentures are used to replace your missing teeth and restore the beauty and function of your smile. In many cases, a partial denture uses a framework or clasps to attach to the existing teeth.
Drs. Campbell and Campbell will help you determine which type of dentures in Whitesboro, Texas, are right for your specific dental needs and desires. Both complete and partial dentures are custom made to fit your smile comfortably, aesthetically, and securely. Wearing dentures can improve your smile by restoring the lost volume and shape of your face, as well as improving your ability to chew, eat, and speak as normal. If you would like to learn more about dentures, we invite you to contact our office today. We look forward to giving you a reason to smile again!